Being your own thought leader

Robert Scoble was asking the other day if someone can be a thought leader if the they don’t have a blog?

A few years ago I tried to start writing one blog entry a day. I actually I’d pretty good for a few months, but then I got behind and then gave up, and I also discovered Twitter. I am a people person and I loved hanging out on Twitter. Writing takes time for me, o don’t type fast, and it seems like a blog post takes me about an hour to write. I would also say that I would have been diagnosed with ADD if I was a kid today. So long form writing is hard for me, but I want to do it. I love Twitter, Facebook and Friendfeed but it’s not the same as blogging, not by a longshot.

So where am I now? I am never at a computer. 98% of my Internet use is done on my iPhone. So my slow typing is not an issue anymore.

I am writing this from the wordpress app on the iPhone, and since there is no multitasking on the iPhone I am not being distracted to go see if someone has responded to my comment somewhere.

And there is no substitute for reading a post you wrote 5 years ago and realizing that you are not the same person, and you sounded like an idiot. Serriously, was I really like that?

The one thing I am excited about the most by starting to blog again will be that I can get my thoughts out of my head instead of having ideas trapped with no long form outlet. I am excited about being my own thought leader again, even I it takes some work.