Who needs a blog?

Maybe I should start with the question “Who doesn’t need a blog?”

Do you enjoy reading blogs? What is it that you like about reading other peoples blogs?

People blog for many different reasons. The one that I would like to focus on here is having a place on the web to call your own. Odds are that you have an email address. It is nice to be able to send and receive email but as you know email has it’s limitations.

The new web, two way conversations, Web 2.0

The internet is no longer about reading what other people write, it’s about joining the conversation. So my question to you is, “How are you adding your voice?”

You dont have to be a writer, artist, philosopher or political junkie. Everyone has a voice, you just need to find out what yours is. How will you add? Will it be with a photo now and then? A word of encouragement? A link to something that your read and thought others might like.

So what is stopping you?

Trend: Youth groups forget meaning of names

The reason the story is so funny is that is so true.

SYRACUSE — When Rhett Wilson became youth pastor at LifeWay Church, he inherited a youth group name nobody could explain: GetReady 7:35. The youth group had been using it for five years, but almost the entire pastoral staff had changed and nobody could remember what it meant.
“We know the youth used to have prayer early Saturday morning,” says Wilson. “Maybe it means 7:35 a.m.” (more)

And this one too.

N.C. pastor named Most Relevant

ORLANDO — Jim Turney of Raleigh won the coveted Most Relevant Pastor in America 2005 prize at a ceremony in November.
“It’s fun to be recognized, but the glory goes up,” he said, gesturing with the same hand in which he held his standard Starbucks double-shot vanilla latte — the one he takes with him to the pulpit on Sunday mornings. (more)