Discussion about Sarah Palin as VP for McCain

My phone died today during the Newsgang call about 30 minutes into it, but I had realized that I was in a definite minority in my view of Sarah Palin as the VP pick for McCain.

Tonight Adam Marquart and I had a conversation on how we feel about the pick, and our reservations of Obama as President. MP3

Chat about the twhirl app and twitter for the enterprise

Today I woke up to the news that Twhirl had been acquired by seesmic. Fellow Newsgang live regular Dennis Howlett wrote a great post about it. Via twitter I pinged Dennis and he agreed to do a call about it. It turned into a really fun conversation about twhirl, single person development, twitter for the enterprise and small business using web 2.0 tools to save money and stay agile.

Conversation with Dennis Howlet about twhirl MP3